

One of the last and most important steps is to finally load the data from your initial Excelsheet to the desired Infor Application; as for example M3.

Again, for any doubts or help just enter this command and so you will see the existing parameters for the option of **loading*:*

inforion load --help


Parameter Description
-u, –url The full URL to the API is needed. Please note you need to enter the full url like …/M3/m3api-rest/v2/execute/CRS610MI [required]
-f, –ionfile IONFile is needed to login in to Infor OS. Please go into ION and generate a IONFile. If not provided, a prompt will allow you to type the input text. [required]
-p, –program What kind of program to use by the load [required]
-m, –method Select the method as a list [required]
-i, –inputfile File to load the data. Please use XLSX or CSV format. If not provided, the input text will just be printed [required]
-o, –outputfile File as Output File - Data are saved here for the load
-s, –start Dataload can be started by 0 or by a number
-e, –end Dataload can be end
-z, –configfile Use a Configfile instead of parameters


inforion load -u https://mingle-ionapi.eu1.inforcloudsuite.com/Tendat_DEV/M3/m3api-rest/v2/execute -f FellowKey.ionapi -p CRS610MI -m "Add,ChgBasicData,ChgOrderInfo,ChgFinancial" -i excel/T-KundenNeu1.xlsx  -o load_full_200.xlsx -s 0 -e 2